August 18 Update

The final opportunity to register for the Healthy Aging - Active Living Workshop, being held this Thursday, will be noon on Tuesday, August 20 as the final lunch count needs to be sent to the caterer. This will be an informative and interactive workshop with the opportunity to be one of 21 participants to receive a ticket to the Grove Theatre performance of Into The Woods. The cost of the tickets is being covered by the grant that is funding the workshop. Hope you are able to attend. Also, the next date for those interested in attending the Somatic Chair sessions presented by registered massage therapist Sandra Silva, is Monday, August 26 from 10:00 - 11:00 (first session is free and $10 thereafter). There is a change of date for our club clean-up day. It will be held on Saturday, October 19th from 9:00 until 1:00. Volunteers are still needed for all or any part of the time.  Contact the club if you can lend a hand. Thank you.


September Update


August 7 Update